Content and Conduct Policy
This privacy policy was last modified on June 28, 2024.
When using or accessing Boombox Games or Website, as further described in the Terms and Conditions referenced below, you may be accessing a variety of Iyon’s digital services, meaning any services for which online access and/or storage of information is necessary, or for which you may share or access information online, such as for example only, profile, gameplay, generated content (“Digital Services”).
These Digital Services are subject to the Boombox Terms of Service and this Content and Conduct Policy, which set out additional information about the access to and use of Digital Services and your relationship with Boombox.
The Boombox Terms of Service, the Conduct and Content Policy, and any other legal documents applicable to the use of Digital Services are collectively the “Boombox Terms”.
Content Moderation and Use Restrictions
Use of and access to Digital Services are subject to the following content moderation and use restrictions, as well as the corresponding enforcement actions and procedures.
A. What am I not allowed to do when using Boombox’s Digital Services?
You agree that when you access and use the Digital Services you will comply with the Boombox Terms and in particular you agree that you will not post, distribute, promote or otherwise make available or transmit any data, text, message, graphic or computer file that we believe:
is unlawful or otherwise violates the legal rights of others;
is a personal attack on other individuals;
bullies, stalks or otherwise harasses any otherof our Digital Services;
contains any personal data;
consists of any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, ‘junk mail’, ‘spam’, ‘chain letters’, ‘pyramid schemes’ or any other form of solicitation;
is vulgar, obscene, degrading, objectifies people, encourages or promotes sexual acts in exchange for compensation, or sexually explicit (language or images);
is offensive, sexist, racist, hateful, incites hatred against individuals or groups based on certain characteristics such as age, disability, nationality, ethnic origin, gender identity or sexual orientation, or is discriminatory in any way (language or images);
depicts or facilitates gratuitous violence or dangerous activities including violent threats to a person or animal or encourages or promotes self-harm or behaviours that may cause injury or death;
is related to or promotes terrorism or terrorist organisations, including the celebration of terrorist attacks or violence;
is related to or permits movements or organisations that commit, prepare for or claimed responsibility for violence against civilians;
capitalises on or is insensitive towards sensitive events such as those with significant social, cultural or political impact, or a natural disaster, public health or civil emergency;
facilitates the sale of firearms, explosive devices or munitions;
facilitates the sale of marijuana and related products such and products containing THC or CBD oils;
facilitates the sale of tobacco in any form;
encourages the illegal, inappropriate or irresponsible use of alcohol;
is a form of cheating, including without limitation the use, promotion or participation (directly or indirectly) in the use of cheats, exploits, bots, hacks, mods or any unauthorised third-party software designed to modify the Digital Services;
infringes and/or violates any right of a third-party including but not limited to: (a) copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights; (b) right of privacy (specifically, you must not distribute another person's personal information of any kind without their express permission) or publicity; (c) any confidentiality obligation;
contains a virus or other harmful component, or otherwise tampers with, impairs or damages our Digital Services or otherwise interferes with any person or entity's use or enjoyment of the Digital Services;
promotes and/or generates money for yourself and/or any third-party business activity;
impersonates any person or entity or misrepresents your identity or affiliation with any person or entity;
deletes any legal notices, disclaimers, or proprietary notices such as copyright or trademarks, or modify any logos that you do not own or have express permission to modify;
does not generally pertain to the designated topic or theme of the Digital Services; or
is more generally, not in compliance with the European Union’s (or any of its member states’) applicable legislation.
(Collectively the “Illegal Content”)
In addition, we strictly do not allow the making of threats or the use of any abusive, vulgar, profane or hateful language towards Boombox’s members of staff.
B. How do we monitor these restrictions?
We monitor the use of Digital Services by human and automated means and take action against players we believe are breaching the Boombox Terms.
If you become aware of or otherwise have reason to believe that another is sharing Illegal Content, or violating any Boombox Terms, you must notify us by following the corresponding reporting procedure. However, we cannot and do not guarantee that others are or will comply with the Boombox Terms, therefore we are not responsible for any other 's lack of compliance. You and others are responsible for your own actions. We do not have control over the content posted or shared on our Digital Services by other s/players and therefore do not guarantee that the content is accurate, appropriate or in compliance with the Boombox Terms.
If Boombox believes that any player is violating the Boombox Terms, they may become subject to the enforcement actions set out in Section D below.
C. How can I report Illegal Content or violation of Boombox Terms?
If you believe someone is violating the Boombox Terms, you can report it https://support.boomboxgames.net/hc/en-us/requests/new
If you have seen or are the recipient of Illegal Content, you can report it with the following dedicated procedure:
Go to the contact request form
Choose the Boombox game where you believe the violation has occurred,
Fill in all the required fields before you send your report.
Please note any malicious use of the Illegal Content reporting tool with the intent to cause harm to another player is strictly forbidden and would be treated as a violation of the Boombox Terms. If we believe you are sending Illegal Content reports for such reasons you may be faced with the enforcement action listed below.
D. What happens if there is a violation?
Users who violate the Boombox Terms or otherwise behave inappropriately (in Boombox’s sole discretion) while using our Digital Services may be warned, temporarily banned or permanently banned. In addition, Boombox is also entitled to remove any Virtual Goods (including, without limitation, any Coins) from a ’s account and no refunds or other compensation will be made.
Boombox reserves the right to remove, or refuse to post, any material that we believe is in violation of the Boombox Terms and, if we deem appropriate, to turn this material over to law enforcement officials. We also reserve the right to comply with any order or otherwise cooperate with law enforcement officials regarding the identification of any alleged to be using our Digital Services in suspected violation of the law.
Where we believe a behaviour towards Boombox members of staff is not appropriate then, in addition to any other rights and remedies we have, we may cease current and future communication with such. In some serious cases, where appropriate, we will also forward any such communications to relevant law enforcement bodies.
Furthermore, if we detect any possible fraudulent or criminal activity on your account or in connection with your account, we will investigate such activity and may suspend or permanently disable your account. Where appropriate, we may also notify the relevant investigative and enforcement authorities.
E. What if I disagree with a decision taken against me, as part of my use of Boombox’s Digital Services?
If a player disagrees with Boombox’s decision, or with an authority order, against its use of the Digital Services, then the player may submit a request here by selecting “Appeal a moderation decision” (a “Contest Claim”).[Need to discuss if we will follow this method]
Such Contest Claim should include the detailed explanation of the reasons for the player to disagree with Boombox’s enforcement action or the authority order.
Upon receipt of a Contest Claim, Boombox will review and, if Boombox deems it necessary, escalate it to the appropriate department. Without undue delay, and once the Contest Claim has been duly reviewed and escalated within Boombox, the player will receive one of the following responses:
Confirmation of Boombox’s decision;
Request for additional information;
Partial overturn of Boombox’s decision, or
Complete overturn of Boombox’s decision.
Additional Information
A. Boombox contacts
Should you have any specific query which cannot be handled through the means provided under these terms, you can use the following contacts:
For authorities or regulators based in European Union, please contact the Authority Point of Contact email legal@boomboxgames.net
For players or users of Boombox’s Digital Services, please contact Boombox’s Customer Support by submitting a request.
Language: Any contact with Boombox through the above-mentioned email addresses would need to be done in the English language.
B. Annual Reports
Boombox will provide here, on a yearly basis, summary information on its management and monitoring of the Boombox terms, including this Content and Conduct Policy, as well as all related claims received.